People at Work

A series of short stories about people and their work.

For Prosto Rabota

People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov

“If we talk about antique furniture, then it is more durable than what they are doing now. Armchairs, which are 50 years old today, stand firmly on their feet and, after restoration, will live the same amount. Now many are accustomed to the cult of consumption: you buy it, install it, after a while you get tired, you sell it or throw it away, you buy a new one. With this approach, no one requires durability from furniture, quality is associated with cost. In the middle price segment, it is almost impossible to find something that will combine excellent quality and meet fashion trends”.

Material about furniture restorers.

People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov

“The organ and piano are similar in that they have a row of white and black keys, but that’s where the similarities end. Of course, these are two fundamentally different tools. The pianist hears the sounds of the piano next to him in much the same way as a person sitting in the hall hears them. At the organ, the pipes are located at different heights, respectively, the person behind the instrument and the person in the hall hear sounds differently. It all depends on the acoustics of the room. Therefore, it seems to me that the profession of an organist is more closely connected with the profession of a conductor who controls many groups of instruments than with the profession of a pianist”.

Material about the organist.

People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov

“I am one of the doctors who are interested in everywhere. I need to get into therapy, and into orthopedics, and into oncology. Knowledge is never superfluous, and it is always interesting to support a conversation with colleagues. But it’s really hard, yes. Now there are new diagnostic methods, tomography, genetic tests for various pathologies of the disease. There are a lot of discoveries going on, we constantly monitor our Western colleagues. They, of course, have better sponsored research. I would like it to be the same in Russia, because you need to understand that veterinary medicine is aimed at protecting humanity too”.

Material about the veterinarian.

People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov

“First, the metal is heated in a furnace, then the desired shape is manually shaped using hammers, anvils, vise, blacksmith tongs, rolling and other tools. Surface texture can be created using various shapes. After molding, it is necessary to process the edges. If necessary, the elements of the products are then connected by welding or using rivets or other structural elements. The peculiarity and main advantage of the method lies in the fact that anything can be put into practice, only the skill of a blacksmith would be enough”.

Material about the blacksmith.

People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov

“We are all very different, so I can’t even make a rough list of characteristics that a person working in such a field should have. It seems to me that the main thing is empathy, the ability to feel a person, the desire and ability to understand and accept another. And you get full acceptance of yourself by others. It’s an incredible feeling! If you don’t know something and don’t know how, then you will definitely be taught”.

Material about a tutor in a rehabilitation center for people with autism spectrum disorders.

People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov

“Therapeutic massage is done by specialists with a medical education, and it is focused on restoring lost functions due to injuries or diseases. In general, I think that any massage is therapeutic. Any technique favorably affects the emotional and physical state.”

Material about the massage therapist.

People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov

“Usually my working day begins with preparation for the morning rehearsal, which is always scheduled for 11 o’clock. Sometimes props bring our own products that require repair or touch-up. At the same time, the most valuable thing is that in our work there are no identical days. You never know what task will be given or what will be brought. We practically do not touch upon those processes that are associated with the activities of the director, interaction with the actors”.

Material about the decorator of the theater in Prokopyevsk.

People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov

“The library is huge a mechanism that requires the well-coordinated work of all employees. Librarian job, observed by the visitor, this is just the tip of the iceberg. None canceled constant interaction with the foundation — its arrangement, dust removal, study, acquisition. Some books tend to become outdated morally, therefore this must be carefully monitored to keep the fund up to date. It is necessary track novelties of the book market, make lists, announce purchases, compile catalogs. And I, as a director, must control all these processes. We have a unique team, consisting of professionals who have gone through a large-scale restoration process and difficult crossings. They are not afraid to express their point of view, and I appreciate that. In the process of discussions, and possibly disputes, the truth is born, it is possible to come to a consensus that suits everyone”.

Material about the director of the Library Alvar Aalto in Vyborg.

People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov

“Plants are easy to care for. This is a very pleasant process that brings many pleasant emotions. I want to convey this to everyone, because for each person you can pick up a flower with which he can live in tandem for many, many years”.

Material about the founder of a local houseplant store.

People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov
People at Work. Lesha Pavlov

“I was born and lived all my life in Berezniki. There was a young technician station near my house. As a third grader, I saw model airplanes in the window. I was immediately interested in this case, and I signed up there. I served in the army, entered the pedagogical school, and then returned to the station of young technicians, but already as a teacher. Much has changed since then, the station was renamed several times, but I have been running an aircraft modeling circle here for more than forty years”.

Material about the head of an aeromodelling club from a small mining town.