Messengers and Promises
In Norilsk there are many pipes, strange stones underfoot and dove-colored clouds. People are digging up valuable resources from nearby mountains. For centuries, shamans climbed there to recharge with the energy of the Sun, which almost never sets in the short northern summer.
About ten years ago, pigeons were noticed here, inhabiting a territory previously inaccessible to them due to the harsh climate. In local beliefs, the most important place is occupied by winged demiurges. At the same time, images of synanthropic species, including pigeons, are not found for obvious reasons. John Berger wrote that animals are able to surprise us with secrets addressed specifically to humans. What if the moment has come when we should try to decipher this messages?
In the process of reflection, I direct my gaze to the environment. And send my thoughts to the future. The camera in my hands tangles everything. The resulting photographs depict a world that exists everywhere and nowhere, today and tomorrow. A harmless bird captured in this way frightens me.
Pigeon doesn’t really care. It lives where it lives.

Burning Down the House
AFF Galerie
Berlin, Germany
© Franca Wohlt
XV Krasnoyarsk Museum Biennale
PolArt: 2016-2023
Ploshad Mira Museum Center
Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Messengers and Promises
Museum of Norilsk
Norilsk, Russia
Messengers and Promises, Safelight Paper
Until the 2010s there were none, Perito
Messengers and Promises, Makers of Siberia